Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Reticient Fingerprints

June 1, 2005
It was only a year ago that I last gave up my fingerprints to the big inkpad. But for some reason, my fingers were a little reticient today. When the lady taking my fingerprints told me to relax, I felt like saying, "Hey, it's the fingers that are uptight, talk to them."
For whatever reason, my fingers would not bend the slight amount needed for a good fingerprint. And if they did, the finger next to it would decide it wanted to be done at the same time and refuse to separate itself from the finger that they really wanted fingerprinted. But it worked out in the end. And now, another hoop has been jumped through in the adoption process. It's interesting to me that adoption wanna-be's have to give up their fingerprints, as if we were being booked or something. Oh well.


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