A Full Weekend
August 7, 2006
Before we left for an extended weekend with family last week, we called our caseworker, Roxanne, to see if she had heard anything further about the baby in Pennsylvania, and to let her know our contact number for the weekend. She hadn't heard anything, so she called over there to find out. She was told the birthmom had chosen to parent her baby boy. At this point, we were thankful for the foster parents, who had cared for this precious child, and allowed his mother to take her time making a thought-filled decision.
In addition, Roxanne was told about a birthmom, also in Pennsylvania, who is expecting in October. She asked if we would consider having our book shown to her. She explained the situation, and also told us about the Pennsylvania adoption laws. We spent the weekend mulling over the decision we were suddenly faced with. We came to the point where we realized that although we were comfortable with the baby/mom's life situation, the Pennsylvania requirements would not be feasible for us. So, we will be informing Roxanne of our decision not to be shown. (She was out of the office today.) Our hearts ache for this baby, but know that we need to stay within the parameters God has set for our journey, in His perfect plan.
Over the weekend, we were blessed to meet our nephew, 2-months-old, Timothy Asher for the first time. It was incredible to finally hold him, in his 11 pounds of squirmy joy! His coos, drools, smiles, and cries were amazing! We were able to give him a bath in our little baby bathtub, and hold him as he fell asleep afterward, smelling of lavender. This was great practice for us! We also had hands-on experience using our carseat, and chauffered him around as he squeeked and snored the drive away. Thanks, God!
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