Thursday, August 31, 2006

A Testimony...and A Song

August 30, 2006
We just read that our adoption agency is sponsoring the Christian artist, Mark Schultz's new music video about adoption! You can preview Mark's new videos here: Everything To Me. (Just a warning- it's really slow with "dial-up" internet!) We are excited to see what God will do with Mark's testimony. Take a few minutes to watch it! Here is a quote from the agency's website:
You may have heard of him from the beautiful stories in his songs, but Christian contemporary musician Mark Schultz has now written a new song about his story. Mark was adopted into a Christian family 35+ years ago and his new song, "Everything To Me" is part of his adoption story. Bethany Christian Services is a proud sponsor of Mark's new music video which portrays the challenging and beautiful choice a woman makes to place her baby in an adoption plan.


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