Wednesday, October 25, 2006


October 24, 2006
Late this evening, we found an e-mail from Angela, giving us an update on one of the birthmoms she'd told us about (the one that inspired us to "rush" our books). This mom's due date was Nov. 9th, but she actually gave birth last week! She decided not to work with Bethany, and chose to go with the state instead. Her baby is now in a foster-to-adopt home.

According to her e-mail, it also sounds like there has been some confusion on the number/format of profile books we need to provide, since there has been some reorganization of offices/caseworkers. We e-mailed her for more information.

In our e-mail, we also presented some questions we had regarding the removal of the 1st page of our profile book. Mainly, our issue was that it was being removed without our knowledge or consent, and that a decision was being made FOR a birthmom. No one was given any options. We are hoping for more clarification and feedback on the situation.

I was encouraged to read the following quote on an adoption website:
"Take heart, i am in complete control. I am the definition of holiness and love. All of my ways are right and true, all of my decisions are best, and I will not rest until my plan has been completed." "THERE IS COMFORT IN YOUR MOMENT OF GREATEST MYESTERY." There is encouragement in your time of greatest confusion, and HOPE in your moment of greatest discouragement. Your world is not a world of constant chaos controlled by impersonal forces. Your destiny is not in your hands or in the hands of other people [caseworkers, birthmoms, family members, etc.. ] YOU ARE HELD IN THE HANDS OF YOUR HEAVENLY FATHER, WHO RULES EVERYTHING! You are a child of the King of Kings and you live under the shadow of his wing. You are part of his plan. That means that the exercise of his power and authority is for your BLESSING!!! (excerpt from "Instruments in the Redeemer's Hands" by Paul David Tripp-he is the brother of Tedd Tripp who wrote "Shephering a Child's Heart")


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