E-Mail Update
October 12, 2006
We received an e-mail from our caseworker today. It was a general e-mail to all the families that are being shown to the birthmom we mentioned the other day, who is working with another agency. Angela updated us on what has gone on so far, and went on to describe the other agency's policies for open adoption relationships as well. Please keep praying for this pregnant mom, and for everyone involved. Here is a bit of her letter:
Dear Families, Since you have been contacted about this new birthmother situation from [Other Agency], it is important to [us] that we are communicating clearly with you. We hope you understand that in events like this one, there are more unknowns and variables than usual. Most agencies vary in procedures. We have color-copied your profile books and sent them to [Other Agency]. We chose to do this in the event that your books are not returned to Bethany. We also want to let you know that your family will remain on the list for Bethany's birthparents to see.
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