You Can Get Excited Now
October 27, 2005
We made the long drive, and met with Betty, our caseworker, this morning to turn in our profile albums. She read through the albums, and even got teary-eyed as she read our "Dear Birthparent" letters. She said the albums were perfect, and was really excited to see them.
She will be meeting with the Washington caseworkers on November 8th, and will hand out our albums to them at that meeting. Our homestudy legal paperwork should be finished processing through the state by the end of November. (Although, our albums could possibly be shown before the official completion.)
Betty mentioned that they have 3 pregnant moms at the Oregon office right now that are due in the Spring. It is still a bit early to start showing them family profile albums, since it is preferable to wait until they are further along in their pregnancy/counseling process before they begin considering families. Betty hadn't heard yet how many moms are working with the Washington offices right now.
It was a good time of just chatting with Betty, and getting questions answered. She said "You can start getting excited now, and start putting the nursery together!" (To see our nursery plans, you can click on the Baby Registry site, listed on the Links section on the left side of our blog.)