Monday, April 24, 2006

Revisiting the Steps of Faith

April 23, 2006
After almost a year, our church family returned to Hebrews 11 today for our studies. Almost a year ago, we read this "Hall of Faith" chapter, and began our own steps of faith toward adoption. (See the post here: Called to the Impossible.) During our class after the morning service, our teacher instructed us to have a "frank discussion" about faith, and to share our own journeys of faith. As we shared about our past year's journey, and the preparations & sacrifices we are making, a few people had tears in their eyes as they began to see "the whole picture." However, there are still some people who don't understand the underlying foundation to our adoption journey: that the BEST journey with God is a journey of faith... it's not necessarily the route that seems to be the easiest or to make the most sense. And true faith means stepping out, not knowing where your foot will land.


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