Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Details and Mix-Ups

September 1, 2006
Well, the insurance company had some mix-ups again. Michele spent a large part of the afternoon on the phone with the various insurance reps, in order to iron out all the wrinkles with insurance details. We are disappointed that her boss's frustration and confusion is now falling upon us. We had hoped to make this as easy as possible, and to not impose on her in any way. To make it more difficult, the insurance company closed early today, so they weren't readily available all day.

They finally faxed over a statement of coverage, which Michele scanned into the computer, and e-mailed to Calvin. Then he was able to print it off to for proof to cancel our existing insurance this afternoon. Thankfully, everyone he needed to see at his work was still in the office.

Then, late this evening, we completed our financial statement for the adoption agency. It was exciting to see that we have paid off some school loan debts over the past year, so our liabilities are lower.


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