Thursday, October 26, 2006

Answers to Prayer

October 26, 2006
We received e-mails from our caseworker today regarding our questions. She clarified what we still need to do in order to get updated copies of all our books to each office. We need to send out a couple more new copies, as well as two "mailable" copies. She also agreed with us to tell birthparent counselors to present our albums with all the pages- including the first page! (It turns out, it was only one counselor that had removed it.)

Steve, the friend of ours that printed our initial books, came up to us last night at church, and asked if we needed any more books printed! Praise God! (He still works for a large computer corporation, and has a room full of inks & printers that he tests.) We will plan on giving him a disc next week with all our files on it, so he can start printing some out. We will keep printing some pages in the meantime, too.

Also, this past weekend, we sent in another grant application. They only look at applications four times a year, so it won't be processed until December. Please keep this in your prayers. We're still praying that God will provide all the finances required for the adoption. A very large sum is due to the agency upon being chosen by a birthmom.

Thank you everyone for your prayers!


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