Wednesday, November 01, 2006

More Steps Completed!

November 1, 2006
This week, I've been at the computer every evening, working on printing off our profile album pages. I copied all the files onto a CD to give to Steve tonight, since he's offered to print some copies for us. Yesterday on my lunch break, I had to run to Staples to get more photo paper and portfolio covers for our "mailable" albums. I was excited to find the paper on sale for 50% off! (Thanks, God!)

So, in between trick-or-treaters & loads of laundry (from last weekend's trip) last night, I finally completed our 2 "mailable" albums! They are in flexible plastic portfolio covers, so that they are easier & less costly for the agency to mail to other states/agencies, if needed. In one of our "old books", I also discovered our "information sheet" that the caseworkers refer to, so we updated that as well. (It was amazing to see that we started this journey when I was 23, and now I'm almost 25!) I packed it all up, and we'll mail it to Angela today. Now we just need to pray that Steve will be able to complete our final two copies soon. We also haven't had a chance to proceed with putting together the details for our profile on the adoption agency's website, so we're hoping to do that soon.


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