June 18, 2005Today was Orientation Day at Bethany. Believe me, I feel oriented. My bum also feels a little sore from sitting all day.
Of the eleven couples there, I think we were among the youngest. All in all, it was an interesting group. One couple was from Alaska. Most were only interested and hadn't even turned in their initial batch of paperwork. One couple had already decided they were going with another agency, but wanted to eat Bethany's free food anyway. Just joking. They came "to get information." Then there was the guy who asked if it was really necessary to buy a car seat after being chosen by a birthmom.
Of course not, the luggage rack works just as well.One of my favorite sessions was when an adoption attorney went up and outlined the legal process that goes into adoption. It was great learning what goes on behind the scenes and what to expect, especially if we go outside of Oregon.
A couple of adoptive families came in and gave their story of how their recent adoptions went. That really gave a human touch to the whole process.
We can do this too!After that, a couple of case workers spoke on adoptive child developmental issues that adoptive parents often face. They also spoke on what goes on emotionally in the birthmom as she places her baby in another family. That led in to a session where a panel of birthmoms gave their accounts of placing their babies.
Birthparents amaze me. I mean, they sacrifically choose life for their baby when the easy way out is abortion. Then to love their child so much as to provide the best future possible by relinquishing their rights to parent. It's so hard to imagine, but I think I came closer to doing so this weekend.
It adds a new sense of urgency as we pray for our birthparents. We were really encouraged by all the counseling available to the birthparents and grandparents of the baby.
The agency workers informed us that they really need families right now.
They typically place about 30 babies a year, and they only have about 10 families waiting. We have been expecting that our waiting period could be years, but we learned that most families have been able to complete their adoption process in less than a year through this agency lately.
We were able to look through the prospective families' profile books, since we will need to start making one soon. We're trying to take lots of photos in the meantime. And then, it will be on to the scrapbooking!
The Orientation was so worth the drive to Seattle and back. It was fun spending that time of learning (and shopping!) with Sheli. She is definately my soulmate during the adventure.
Thank you, Father!