Rollercoaster Ride
August 15, 2005
What a rollercoaster! Our caseworker, Betty, called a few days ago, asking if we could reschedule our homestudy visit/interviews for this Tuesday! So, we agreed, and began racing to finish home projects. Michele rearranged her work schedule appointments, and we started getting ready!
This weekend, we bought more smoke detectors, and began installing them. We made a visit to Home Depot, where we ran up and down the aisles to get what we needed to finish installing our flooring and new outdoor stair railing. While Calvin got out the power tools, Michele finished putting baby latches in place, and finally finished organizing and unpacking boxes from last year's move! She also baked loaves of zucchini bread and molasses cookies (even though the weather has been 90*), since we're supposed to offer our caseworker a snack during the visit!
Then, Betty called us today, and requested we move our appointment to next week! Unfortunately, she needs to attend an unexpected funeral. Our homestudy is now scheduled for next Wednesday, August 24th.
(Guess we'll get to eat those cookies...)
Good Luck on your adoption Journey. We have started our journey in May 2004 and in May 2005 we got our 4 year old son and two weeks later we got his 5 month old sister. It has been a roller coaster ride, but well worth it. I have some of our adoption process on my blog. Let me know if you need to vent- I have been through it.
I see you are in Oregon. I am too-I don't live very far from Hillsboro :-)
Have a good night
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