Monday, May 01, 2006

Meeting Roxanne

April 30, 2006
After spending a wonderful weekend with Calvin's family, we left town much later that we had intended, in order to get to our meeting at the adoption agency. It really looked like there would be no way for us to arrive on time, and we didn't have the caseworker, Roxanne's home phone number. (Although we did leave a message on her office voice mail.) As we rushed down the freeways, we were wishfully praying that God would get us to our appointment with Roxanne on time. Amazingly, He did! We pulled into the parking lot just as the clock clicked to 4:00 on the dot. Thanks, God!

When we arrived, Roxanne was outside the building, and met us at our car. She was embarrassed to tell us that she had forgotten her office keys, and asked if we would mind just talking on the porch with her! So, it was a blessing that we arrived on time, since there was no way for her to answer the phone. It was a beautiful, sunny day, and we didn't mind being on the porch at all; especially after a long road trip!

It was nice to get to know Roxanne a bit better, and for her to learn more about us. She is such a sweet lady, and seems very competent to handle our adoption- she has 5 kids! We told her about my job future, and she didn't even bat an eye. She said we would just have to update our financial information before we finalized an adoption, but it would be no problem! We're praising God for such a positive response!

Roxanne told us that she has been meeting with a birthmom who has been looking at our profile book! The birthmom has taken it with her to consider further, along with a few other ones. We were excited to hear that she has been looking through it, and to be able to answer the questions she had asked Roxanne about us. Then, Roxanne told us that she is due FRIDAY, with a baby boy! Wow! So, Roxanne has been really encouraging her to make a decision.

Roxanne then confirmed with us that we are prepared to leave for about a week at a moment's notice... just in case we get a call about a baby being born (even if it's not this one)!

We feel such peace about this situation. We completely feel that God is in control, and He has brought this information to us for a reason. Right now, we feel like it is so that we can pray for her. It is unusual for us to know ahead of time that a birthmom is considering us. (The caseworkers don't call everytime a book is looked at.) So, we have grabbed ahold of this opportunity to pray for this very specific birthmom and baby. Please join us as we pray this week.

"Spread out your petition before God, and then say, 'Thy will, not mine be done.' The sweetest lesson I have learned in God's school is to let the Lord choose for me." - Dwight L. Moody


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