Sunday, October 08, 2006

A Weekend at the Computer

October 8, 2006
For the past few days, we have been working on new pages for our updated adoption profile albums. We've each been rewriting our "Dear Birthparent" letters (we each write letters to the mom and to dad, so 4 letters total). I've been doing our pages with "digital scrapbooking" products using Adobe Photoshop Elements. It's nice to be able to print off as many pages we need without scanning them in, plus I can easily change them, if needed.

We've had fun watching the "Estimated Pages Left" counter on our printer ink cartridge. (Everytime we print, a message pops up, telling us the estimated number of pages it could still print, based on the amount of ink left.) Instead of decreasing, the number seems to be increasing! God is in the business of multiplying- kind of like Elisha and the oil & flour (2 Kings 4:1-7) or Jesus and the loaves and fishes (Matthew 14:13-21). So, we know God can multiply our family someday as well.

Today, we visited a church, and were excited to meet a couple who is in the middle of adopting as well! They stood up to announce a prayer request for their homestudy this week. They will be going through DHS, so their journey is a bit different from ours. It was neat to see the church family surrounding them in prayer and encouragement. I think we'll go back.


Blogger Mike and Dannon said...

I just wanted to let you know that I read your blog often and it encourages me very much. I found your blog through my mother's blog, Organized Chaos. Your faith is a challenge to me, as I haven't had the "opportunity" to challenge mine in that way. I have been praying for you and your husband and, of course, will continue to do so.
Thank you for the encouragement!

Sun Oct 08, 09:07:00 PM 2006  

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