Friday, July 29, 2005


July 29, 2005
Hooray! We finally found out who our case worker is! And I got to talk to her! Twice! Her name is Betty. She's business-like, but nice and helpful. I once read an adoptive dad's story of how he got into a shouting match with their case worker, so I'm entering the relationship with our case worker a little, well, cautious. We'll see.

Anyway, Tuesday, August 9th is our initial appointment with her. I think I'll go with my Scottish broadsword strapped on, just to remind her who she's dealing with. {Hee hee.} The family protector, you know.

Didn't Know You Had to Be An Accountant...

July 27, 2005
Calvin called the adoption agency to let them know about his job change, and to confirm they received all of our paperwork. They told him that we need to write a letter showing them how our taxes will differ from the previous documents we sent them. So, I printed out a new copy of the 2004 1040 form off of the IRS website (including the 60+ page instruction booklet!). (The 2005 forms aren't available yet.) So, now we have to sit down and basically do our taxes all over again, guessing on all the numbers!

We're also still waiting to hear what Michele's compensation will be for the year, since it's under review every July. (It will either stay the same, or have a raise.) The committee met to discuss policies, etc. on Wednesday, but then they all left town for the church family camp, and forgot to tell us what they decided!

We're still waiting to find out who our caseworker is. All our paperwork gets processed in Seattle, and then sent down to the tiny local office in Hillsboro. We're hoping someone contacts us soon.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Let's Just Skip the Skin Test Next Time...

July 26, 2005
Today, I (Calvin) finally got official word that I don't have TB. Duh. It all started when I went to my doctor with the request that he do a physical for Bethany. All went well until I had to take the TB skin test. Remember how Michele's test barely showed a visible bump, how they practically had to pull out a microscope to see it? Well, I think I won the size-of-the-bump contest. I think I saw a little bug get a nosebleed from the altitude as he scaled my TB bump.

I have a history of getting false positives when I've received TB bumps in the past. Therefore, I was not in the least worried. At least, not until the doc mentioned drugs and the possiblity of the County Health Dept. getting involved.

So I scurried into the X-ray lab that afternoon to get my chest X-ray. Long story short, two weeks and another X-ray later (because they didn't get the apex of the lungs the first time) I get a small piece of paper in the mail saying I don't have TB. Good thing. If I did, I would probably have developed a debilitating cough, spreading TB gremlins far and wide. Whew, I'm sure glad the medical community was there for me!

Yeah, it was test of patience. And also a lesson that though things don't always go smoothly and quickly in God's plan, it's still His perfect plan. I just love Jesus!

Friday, July 08, 2005

The Gift of Friendship

July 7, 2005
This afternoon, I scanned and printed off more pictures for our album. I think I'm almost done with that part!

Then, this evening, a dear friend invited me over to her house while our husbands were at work. She had gone through all of her baby stuff from her two kids (now almost 2 & 4), and gave me a bag of onesies, jammies, bottles, and a box of toys! She also offered to give us their crib whenever we're ready for it! Wow! What a blessing! We are thanking God for our friends, and for His amazing blessings.

This friend is always very reassuring, faithfully encouraging us that we will be parents someday, and she tells me often that she thinks we will be really great parents! We're definitely gaining a lot of experience by spending time with her girls! They are very active, strong-willed, but very fun, little kids. :) I went to the park with them yesterday, and we had a great time. (This was after they locked themselves in the bathroom and covered themselves with shampoo. We tossed them in the tub immediately! Then we had a little "battle of the wills" over wearing shoes. But we survived, and finally made it to the park!)

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Photos and Shopping

July 6, 2005
I have begun digging through boxes and photo albums, searching for just the right pictures for our profile scrapbook! Today, I spent about an hour scanning and printing them off. (But I know I'll still have more photos to go!)

I went to Staples to get 3-ring binders, which will be our photo albums. I chose 4 sturdy burgundy 1/2" binders. (We need four because one will go to each of the four Northwest offices.) I will also put together 2 extra unbound album sets, which the agency can then mail to others as needed.

Then, it was on to one of my favorite places: The Scrap Yard! It's my favorite local scrapbooking store. I wandered around the store, picking out beautiful papers for our album. What fun! Plus, I was pleased to get a great deal: there was a special 20% off sale, and I used my $5 off coupon! On top of that, it was double-punch day, so I got extra punches on my punch card! The Clearance Queen strikes again...

Friday, July 01, 2005

Getting Ready

July 1, 2005
This morning, I mailed off all of our contract/homestudy paperwork! It's so exciting to have another step completed!

This afternoon, I got another surprise. A lady from our church (the dear older woman mentioned in a previous post) invited me to go shopping with her on my lunch hour. I was oblivious and thought she meant "girly" shopping; (you know, purses and stuff.) Well, instead, she took me to the Target baby department! She is so excited, it is pretty hilarious. She bought us a couple boxes of baby bottles, and little baby nail clippers. I was amazed. She said, "Now, when you get 'the call,' I don't want you to have to stop at Target first. I want you to be able to go straight to the hospital!"

We've been budgeting for baby stuff, but haven't really bought much yet. Those baby departments can seem pretty overwhelming, sometimes! I guess I'd better learn to deal with it!